Half a Christmas Tree?

*By: Christi Shingara*

On my way to work one morning, I was listening to the radio (yes, that’s still a thing!) and the topic of discussion was living in small spaces and how to decorate for the holidays. As someone who has lived in many small spaces over the years, the challenge was always how to create a minimalist, yet festive space. My typical decorating fashion had always been just throwing some lighted garland here and there and that was as festive as it was gonna get. Since space was an issue, a huge Christmas tree was certainly out of the question.

As the discussion continued, one of the commentators mentioned that they bought half a Christmas tree. Having never heard of this idea, I couldn’t visualize what that would actually look like. As I checked out some photos online, it ended up making a lot of sense and seemed to be the perfect way to decorate a small space. The half-tree sits up against the wall, uses half the decorations, half the space and is half the price! It’s a pretty clever idea, and I wish I would have known about it when I was longing for a Christmas tree in my small NYC apartment. Want to know where to buy one check out the links below:

Like or dislike the half Christmas tree idea? Let us know in the comments below!





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